To be trendy I decided to create a blog. I've no prior experience or any idea really of how to go about this, but I figure it's a challenge, and I've got little to lose.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about blogs yet. I don't really know if I want to allow anyone to read what I've written. I'm more accustomed to sending "private" e-mails to friends and family. But still, an on-line journal seems intriguing. Maybe my writing will become more effortless and fluid. Maybe it'll inspire me to contribute something of value to the worldwide web, or, maybe I'll just end up jotting random tid bits of my daily life. This wouldn't be so bad either.
Yesterday I went crazy with quinoa. In one of my favorite cookbooks entitled "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon I found a recipe for Ecuadorian Quinoa Casserole. Because I happened to have some of this native Andes crop on hand, as well as 2 kilo. of chicken (which I won at 10k race a while ago for placing 6th!) to use up, I decided to give it a go. After twelve hours of pre-soaking the quinoa in filtered warm water and whey, making a homemade chicken stock, and adding one of my favorite ingredients-coconut cream-I delightfully found myself indulging on pure deliciousness. And, the best part is that my "bentos" for the week are already prepared...I've got enough leftover to fill a gallon ice cream pail!